Class | Description | Quick Example |
.border-dark .border-*-soft
Responsive only.border-top-lg
Apply a border color.
If element has no predefined border, should be added
Responsive classes - apply a border only for specified viewport (lg|md|xs). Used instead of |
.border .border-primary
.border .border-success
.border .border-danger .border-dashed
.border .border-warning .border-dashed .bw--2
Apply a specific border (you can mix them). Also you can mix with .bw--* and any border color (see below).
.border-left .border-right
.border-top .border-bottom
.border-left .border-danger
.border-left .border-warning .bw--3
.rounded-circle .row-pill
Border radius - can be mixed with almost any block/box/element. |
.border .border-primary .rounded
.border .border-primary .rounded-xl
.border .border-primary .row-pill
.shadow-lg .rounded
.shadow-lg .row-pill
.w--80 .h--80 .rounded-circle
Change the border width (in pixels) of any bordered element.
3 border width added by default in _core/utils/_variables.scss
You can also mix with color borders:
If element has no predefined border, should be added |
.bw--2 .border-danger
.bw--3 .border-left border-warning
Apply a border style. Can also be mixed with border colors & width..border-gray-400 is the input/select border color, if any element need looks the same
.border-primary .border-solid
.border-primary .border-dotted
.border-primary .border-dashed
.border-primary .border-dashed .bw--1
Instead of removing a border, there are situations where just transparent is needed, to keep the alingnment in place. | |
.bt--0, .bt-0
.br--0, .br-0
.bb--0, .bb-0
.bl--0, .bl-0
.bx-0, .by-0
Remove specific border: .b--0 = all borders (same as bootstrap .border-0 ) .bt--0 = border top .br--0 = border right .bb--0 = border bottom .bl--0 = border left .bx-0 = border left & right (x axis) .by-0 = border top & bottom (y axis) Added additional b*-0 because bootstrap already use .b-0 so we can have the all "set". |